SDOT - West Seattle Bridge Webinar Recap

We want to thank Heather Marx, SDOT Director of Downtown Mobility and the West Seattle High Bridge Safety Program, for sharing her stories and experiences with SDOT's response to the West Seattle Bridge crisis. Heather's presentation was a real take on her role and the overall scope of past, current, and future work being done with this bridge.

In total we had 11 virtual attendees from various sectors within the transportation industry who were able to ask any question in relationship to the West Seattle Bridge. Some of those questions included: Why not open the West Seattle bridge up to pedestrians and bicyclists, while it's being repaired for cars and trucks? Why did we not add the light rail to the bridge? Should it be repaired vs should we replace it?
You can download the full presentation below!
With this being our last event of the year we want to thank everyone who has attended our events, liked our posts, shared our content, and reached out to us. Our YPT Seattle 2021 board is a volunteer team who are transportation enthusiasts and professionals within our industry. We have enjoyed being able to lead as a board in order to have a space for networking, professional development, and career guidance. From now until the end of the year, our board will focus our efforts on ensuring that our future YPT Seattle 2022 board is ready to take on the new year. If you are interested in being involved with YPT Seattle, please reach out to us at